CIRC.N.142-Comunicazione di avvenuto finanziamento nell’ambito del Programma ERASMUS + KA2 partenariati strategici e invito a presentare istanza di disponibilità da parte dei docenti. Progetto ”ACT FOR LOVE”,codice KA220-SCH-894D2076.
San Giovanni La Punta, 18/11/2024
Ai Docenti del Liceo
Agli Studenti e alle loro Famiglie
Al D.S.G.A. e al Personale ATA
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Oggetto: Comunicazione di avvenuto finanziamento nell’ambito del Programma ERASMUS + KA2 partenariati strategici e invito a presentare istanza di disponibilità da parte dei docenti. Progetto ”ACT FOR LOVE”, codice KA220-SCH-894D2076.
Si comunica che questo Istituto è beneficiario di un finanziamento nell’ambito del Programma dell’Unione Europea Erasmus plus, Annualità 2024, in relazione al progetto ”ACT FOR LOVE”, codice KA220-SCH-894D2076. Il progetto ha una durata triennale e partirà dal prossimo mese di dicembre 2024.
Considerati i tempi brevi per addivenire alla condivisione in seno al Collegio di detta progettualità e che per la realizzazione delle azioni progettuali del progetto ERASMUS+ KA2, pare necessario procedere alla presente comunicazione, anche ai fini della debita pubblicizzazione alla comunità scolastica di questo Istituto della prestigiosa opportunità formativa da ascriversi nell’alveo delle azioni di internazionalizzazione.
Considerata, infine, la preziosa opportunità formativa e di arricchimento del curriculum studiorum derivante, per i docenti di questo Istituto, da detta progettualità internazionale, si ritiene congruo sensibilizzare le SS. LL. in indirizzo, qualora interessate, a presentare istanza di disponibilità in qualità di esperto interno e/o a far parte del team progettuale, secondo le modalità sotto descritte.
Si invitano pertanto a presentare candidatura
- 2 docenti in possesso dei seguenti titoli:
- Abilitazione all’insegnamento della Lingua e cultura inglese o certificazione linguistica della Lingua Inglese di tipo C1 o B2;
- Esperienze nell’organizzazione e gestione di progetti di scambio linguistico – culturale e nei partenariati con una pluralità di scuole estere;
I 2 docenti individuati saranno chiamati a volgere le attività richieste in orario eccedente, dovranno partecipare a tutti gli incontri mensili da remoto con i Partners, a rispettare i tempi delle consegne e ad effettuare i viaggi all’estero previsti dal progetto. Per tali figure e per il Docente coordinatore potrebbe essere riconosciuto, tramite sistema “Time sheet” un riconoscimento del lavoro svolto in termini economici.
- 1 docente di Scienze Umane ovvero afferente alle discipline ermeneutiche, che avrà l’opportunità di svolgere attività di ricerca scientifica sul fenomeno della TDV (esposto in calce alla presente comunicazione).
Modalità di presentazione delle istanze
I docenti interessati in qualità di esperto interno e/o a far parte del team progettuale, possono produrre domanda, da indirizzare allo scrivente Ufficio brevi manu, c/o l’Ufficio di
protocollo, o all’indirizzo di posta elettronica della scuola, entro il termine del 22/11/2024, ore 12.00, per consentire al Collegio di individuare, anche secondo una criteriologia che vorrà eventualmente deliberare, il docente responsabile dell’organizzazione e del coordinamento didattico del progetto, Prof.ssa Cantone Giovanna e del team dei docenti che la affiancheranno.
L’esperto interno avrà la responsabilità dell’organizzazione e del coordinamento didattico del progetto e sarà coadiuvato in questo dai docenti Referenti Erasmus+.
La domanda dovrà essere corredata di:curriculum vitae et studiorum in formato europeo sull’attività scientifica e/o professionale svolta, titoli culturali ed eventuali pubblicazioni, oppure attestazione atta a comprovare idonea competenza nel settore specifico del progetto.
Gli aspiranti dovranno indicare nella domanda (pena l’esclusione):
- cognome e nome
- luogo e data di nascita
- codice fiscale e carta d’identità
- residenza con l’indicazione della via, numero civico e a.p.
- cittadinanza
- domicilio eletto ai fini della selezione
L’incarico sarà conferito anche in presenza di una sola istanza.
Il presente avviso viene reso pubblico mediante affissione all’Albo dell’Istituto.
Di seguito si dà una breve descrizione dell’intervento progettuale.
Teen Dating Violence (TDV) is a form of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) occurring in adolescence and it refers to any behaviour by a current or former intimate partner. Such behaviours include: acts of physical aggression, acts of sexual aggression, psychological violence/abuse such as intimidation, constant belittling and humiliating, and other “controlling behaviours” such as isolating a person from their family and/or friends. At the European level one in five women has experienced the physical and sexual violence of a partner since the age of 15 (FRA EU “Violence against women: an EU-wide survey” 2014). Also, women between the ages of 18 and 29 have the highest prevalence of physical and/or sexual violence in the past 12 months. According to a 2019 survey (Wincentak, K., et al. 2019) of high school students who had dated in the past year, 9% of females and 7% of males experienced physical violence at the hands of a dating partner. Rates of sexual dating violence are higher for female high school students, with nearly 13% of girls and 4% of boys who dated being forced to do something sexual they did not want to do. The EU has long recognized that violence against women is a violation of human rights and a form of gender-based discrimination that has a major negative impact on victims and significant costs for society. The COVID-19 crisis has increased gender inequalities and has created conditions where women face higher risks of gender-based violence. The motivation for the project rises from the above data and on the fact that TDV has a tremendous impact on health outcomes and on adult lifestyles. Experiencing dating violence in life as an adolescent or young adult can have long-term detrimental impacts: victims are at higher risk for substance abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behaviour, poor sexual health, and poor mental health. TDV is also associated with relationship violence later in life. Fostering expectations for healthy relationships and teaching healthy relationship skills are critical to a primary prevention approach to the problem of TDV. The project should be funded because of its impact on TDV awareness and prevention. Increasing teachers & educators knowledge and awareness on TDV; Increasing teachers & educators skills to support their students; Increasing youth knowledge and awareness of TDV; Increasing the number of teenagers engaged in helping their peers. ACT 4 LOVE foresees the implementation of robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to assess the project’s progress, effectiveness and impact. The general aim of the project is to tackle Teen Dating Violence (TDV) through the design and the piloting of a gamified education program on healthy loving relationships to raise awareness and prevent TDV among 14-18 teenagers. These following specific objectives are linked to the 4 project priorities: O1: To increase secondary school teachers and educators’ knowledge and awareness on TDV O2: To increase teenagers’ healthy relationship skills and critical thinking to confront TDV O3: To empower young people in preventing TDV through peer education O4: To foster schools potentials as protective environments Priorities and Topics HORIZONTAL: Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport SCHOOL EDUCATION: Development of key competences SCHOOL EDUCATION: Tackling learning disadvantage, early school leaving and low proficiency in basic skills INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY IN ALL FIELDS OF EDUCATION, TRAINING, YOUTH AND SPORT ACT 4 LOVE creates opportunities to develop the needed skills within relationships to prevent harmful power inequities and intimate partner violence (IPV). Men are usually the main perpetrators of IPV. Addressing gender-based violence (GBV) is important when tackling teen dating violence. Teen dating violence is often influenced by societal norms and expectations related to gender roles. By addressing GBV issues, it is possible to dismantle harmful stereotypes and power imbalances that contribute to abusive behaviours in relationships. Thanks to the Gamified education program for youth (WP4) boys and girls will confront discriminations linked to gender and intersectional factors; they will learn how to identity and confront gender stereotypes and GBV in first affective sexual relationships, how to reject power and control dynamics and build on equity and consent, and how to practise conflict resolution and positive communication. At school level, teachers and school staff will be trained, thanks to the ACT 4 LOVE Capacity Building program for teachers and educators (WP3), to create nurturing school environments that reinforce values such as recognising diversity, mutual respect and empathy. DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES ACT 4 LOVE Capacity Building program for teachers and educators (WP3) is intended to support and help teachers develop cross-curricular competencies and creativity. Creating a school environment that enhances safety and feelings of safety, promotes healthy relationships and respectful boundaries, and reduces tolerance for violence among students and school personnel can play an important role in reducing rates of TDV perpetration. Teachers will be encouraged to challenge their own bias and explore gamified learning approaches through digital technologies. The design of an awareness campaign on TDV made by students will provide teachers with inspiration on how to use social media to raise awareness and promote change. TACKLING LEARNING DISADVANTAGE, EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING AND LOW PROFICIENCY IN BASIC SKILLS ACT 4 LOVE will support teachers and educators to identify teenagers at risk of being engaged in an abusive relationship. Teenage victims of TDV have a higher risk of marginalisation and to develop psychosocial and health problems. Teachers and educators, thanks to ACT 4 LOVE Capacity Building program for teachers and educators (WP3) will be provided with the skills and competences to prevent and early intervene in case of TDV. ACT 4 LOVE Toolbox (WP2) will collect Social emotional learning tools that promote social and emotional competence among teenagers and school staff; those tools will help teachers and educators to promote well-being and mental health at school. |
They will develop key competences using innovative learning approaches through the facilitation of the gamified education program for youth (WP4 D.4.1 E-modules for young people and peer mentors) and through the integration of SEL tools in everyday activities (WP2 D.2.2 ACT 4 LOVE Toolbox). They will understand how to recognize signs of TDV, respond appropriately, and support affected students (WP3 D.3.1 ACT 4 LOVE Capacity Building program for teachers and educators), tackling student marginalisation.
O2: To increase teenagers’ healthy relationship skills and critical thinking to confront TDV O3: To empower young people in preventing TDV through peer education O4: To foster schools potentials as protective environments Priorities and Topics HORIZONTAL: Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport SCHOOL EDUCATION: Development of key competences SCHOOL EDUCATION: Tackling learning disadvantage, early school leaving and low proficiency in basic skills INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY IN ALL FIELDS OF EDUCATION, TRAINING, YOUTH AND SPORT ACT 4 LOVE creates opportunities to develop the needed skills within relationships to prevent harmful power inequities and intimate partner violence (IPV). Men are usually the main perpetrators of IPV. Addressing gender-based violence (GBV) is important when tackling teen dating violence. Teen dating violence is often influenced by societal norms and expectations related to gender roles. By addressing GBV issues, it is possible to dismantle harmful stereotypes and power imbalances that contribute to abusive behaviours in relationships. Thanks to the Gamified education program for youth (WP4) boys and girls will confront discriminations linked to gender and intersectional factors; they will learn how to identity and confront gender stereotypes and GBV in first affective sexual relationships, how to reject power and control dynamics and build on equity and consent, and how to practise conflict resolution and positive communication. At school level, teachers and school staff will be trained, thanks to the ACT 4 LOVE Capacity Building program for teachers and educators (WP3), to create nurturing school environments that reinforce values such as recognising diversity, mutual respect and empathy.
DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES ACT 4 LOVE Capacity Building program for teachers and educators (WP3) is intended to support and help teachers develop cross-curricular competencies and creativity. Creating a school environment that enhances safety and feelings of safety, promotes healthy relationships and respectful boundaries, and reduces tolerance for violence among students and school personnel can play an important role in reducing rates of TDV perpetration. Teachers will be encouraged to challenge their own bias and explore gamified learning approaches through digital technologies. The design of an awareness campaign on TDV made by students will provide teachers with inspiration on how to use social media to raise awareness and promote change. TACKLING LEARNING DISADVANTAGE, EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING AND LOW PROFICIENCY IN BASIC SKILLS ACT 4 LOVE will support teachers and educators to identify teenagers at risk of being engaged in an abusive relationship. Teenage victims of TDV have a higher risk of marginalisation and to develop psychosocial and health problems. Teachers and educators, thanks to ACT 4 LOVE Capacity Building program for teachers and educators (WP3) will be provided with the skills and competences to prevent and early intervene in case of TDV. ACT 4 LOVE Toolbox (WP2) will collect Social emotional learning tools that promote social and emotional competence among teenagers and school staff; those tools will help teachers and educators to promote well-being and mental health at school. |
DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES ACT 4 LOVE Capacity Building program for teachers and educators (WP3) is intended to support and help teachers develop cross-curricular competencies and creativity. Creating a school environment that enhances safety and feelings of safety, promotes healthy relationships and respectful boundaries, and reduces tolerance for violence among students and school personnel can play an important role in reducing rates of TDV perpetration. Teachers will be encouraged to challenge their own bias and explore gamified learning approaches through digital technologies. The design of an awareness campaign on TDV made by students will provide teachers with inspiration on how to use social media to raise awareness and promote change. TACKLING LEARNING DISADVANTAGE, EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING AND LOW PROFICIENCY IN BASIC SKILLS ACT 4 LOVE will support teachers and educators to identify teenagers at risk of being engaged in an abusive relationship. Teenage victims of TDV have a higher risk of marginalisation and to develop psychosocial and health problems. Teachers and educators, thanks to ACT 4 LOVE Capacity Building program for teachers and educators (WP3) will be provided with the skills and competences to prevent and early intervene in case of TDV. ACT 4 LOVE Toolbox (WP2) will collect Social emotional learning tools that promote social and emotional competence among teenagers and school staff; those tools will help teachers and educators to promote well-being and mental health at school. |
Il Dirigente Scolastico
Dott.ssa Carmela Maccarrone
(Firma autografa omessa ai sensi dell’art. 3 D.lgs.vo 39/1993)